dermatitis red & reactive skin solutions near you

Peri-Oral dermatitis is usually indicative of an impaired barrier or overuse of steroid & other prescription medications. We use a Specific chemical peel designed for sensitive skin that promotes the regeneration and strengthening of the skin barrier, reducing skin reactivity to external irritants.

Sensitive skin

  • Hyperreactive skin

  • Intolerant skin

This strengthens the skin barrier function by regulating the components of the hydrolipidic mantle and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and GAG. These actions significantly improve dermal fibers. Therefore, it enhances the barrier function, increases skin thickness, and reduces hypersensitivity. 

Dermatitis or Reactive Skin

Our clinic has been committed to assisting clients dealing with peri-oral dermatitis and impaired skin barriers. We adopt a holistic and gentle approach, utilizing specially formulated products designed to repair and restore the skin's natural barrier. Our focus is on providing continuity of care throughout your entire skin journey.

Understanding the challenges associated with peri-oral dermatitis and impaired skin barriers, we tailor our approach to address these specific concerns. New clients initiate their journey with a thorough 1-hour Initial Skin Consultation conducted by our Clinic Director. This session allows us to gain insights into your unique skin condition, concerns, and goals.

Our approach typically involves:

1. Barrier Repair Products: We use specially formulated products aimed at repairing and strengthening the skin barrier. These products are selected to provide gentle yet effective care for peri-oral dermatitis and impaired skin barriers.

2. Holistic and Gentle Approach: Our clinic stands out for its holistic and gentle approach to skincare. We understand the sensitivity of the skin in these conditions and prioritize gentle yet effective interventions to promote healing and restoration.

3. Continuity of Care: We are dedicated to providing continuous support throughout your skin journey. Our team ensures that you receive consistent and personalized care, adapting as needed to address any changes in your skin condition.

4. Personalized Protocols: Following the Initial Skin Consultation, we collaborate to devise a personalized protocol that takes into account the specific needs of your skin, considering the condition, age, and budget.

By taking a holistic approach and utilizing products specifically formulated for barrier repair, we aim to empower you to manage and overcome peri-oral dermatitis and impaired skin barriers. Our commitment to continuity of care ensures that you receive ongoing support and guidance for long-term skin health and well-being.